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Sifit Collection Bath Bombs for Muscle Recovery and Relaxation

This page goes into further details explaining the theory behind essential oils and why they were selected.


It is important to understand the potential harm caused by inflammation as lavender and other essential oils have anti-inflammatory qualities. Neutrophils rapidly invade the injury site and promote inflammation by releasing cytokines that can attract and activate additional inflammatory cells. In at least some muscle injuries, neutrophils may further damage the injured muscle by releasing oxygen-free radicals that can damage cell membranes1.


Neutrophils and macrophages play a role in muscle damage after repeated eccentric exercise and acute stretch injury. However, contrary to conventional thinking, it is possible that certain aspects of neutrophil function cause damage to healing muscle or delay its regenerative capabilities. Because neutrophils can release oxygen free radicals during phagocytosis, it is possible that neutrophil derived oxidants exacerbate pre-existing muscle injury in vivo by damaging previously uninjured muscle2. This is why products with anti-inflammatory properties can offer benefits in muscle recovery.


Rose Geranium

A 2013 study on mice showed that rose geranium essential oil was able to significantly reduce paw and ear oedemas showing its potential for wider scale use as an anti-inflammatory drug3.


Multiple studies have shown that the plant possesses great antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. The bacteria in this study were Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus subtilits, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescen, Salmonella typhimurium, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter aerogenes. S. aureus, B. The zone of inhinition was recognised for post types of bacteria but was greater for gram-positive4.


The human body functions on reduction-oxidation reactions, thus making the need for oxidative processes a necessity. However, too much oxidation leads to oxidative stress and a number of other negative effects. Some of those effects could lead to diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes5. Rose geranium has also proven to be a great antioxidant as it possesses the ability to not only capture free radicals, but also prevent a new generation of free radicals from forming, thus reducing oxidative stress6.



Effects of bergamot essential correlate well with its transport and carrier-mediated release of amino acids endowed with neurotransmitter function in the mammalian hippocampus supporting the deduction that it is able to interfere with normal and pathological synaptic plasticity7. This aids in producing a feeling of reduced muscle tension to help relax tight muscles8.



Studies carried out in 20039 and 200410 found frankincense offered anxiolytic effects in reliving knee pain and muscular pains respectively. A more recent study in 2019 found that frankincense used in a massage oil helped alleviate chronic lower back pain as the individual’s reduction in pain was seen to have been statistically higher than those given a placebo11.  A review of its therapeutic properties also found anxiolytic (reduce anxiety) effects could be been seen in traditional medicine of the Middle and Far East12.


It has been commonly used to reduce swelling and alleviate the pain of inflammation linked to inflammatory diseases. In China particularly it is used clinically in order to obtain a synergistic effect, alongside myrrh, for relieving pain and activating blood circulation13







  1. Tidball, J. 1995. Inflammatory cell response to acute muscle injury. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 27 (7).

  2. Toumi, T. and Best, T. 2003. The inflammatory response: friend or enemy for muscle injury? British Journal of Sports Medicine. 37, pp.284-286.

  3. Boukhatem, M., Kameli, A., Ferhat, M., Saidi, F. and Mekarnia, M. 2013. Rose geranium essential oil as a source of new and safe anti-inflammatory drugs. Libyan Journal of Medicine. 8 (10).

  4. Boukhatem, M., Kameli, A. and Saidi, F. 2013. Essential oil of Algerian rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity against food spoilage pathogens. Food Control 34: 208-213.

  5. Hamidpour, R., Hamidpour, S., Hamidpour, M., Marshall, V. and Hamidpour, R. 2017. Pelargonium graveolens (Rose Geranium) - A Novel Therapeutic Agent for Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Antifungal and Diabetics. Archives in Cancer Research. 5 (1).

  6. Wilson, D. and Watson, K. 2019. Health Benefits of Rose Geranium Oil. Healthline.

  7.  Bagetta, G., Morrone, L., Rombola, L., Amantea, D., Russo, R., Berliocchi, L., Sakurada, S. and Rotirti, D. 2010. Neuropharmacology of the essential oil of bergamot. 81 (6), pp. 453-461.

  8. Norris, J. 2018. Bergamot Essential Oil – For Pain and Stress Relief. Dr Jessica Norris Aromatherapy.

  9. Kimmatkar N., Thawani V., Hingorani L. and Khiyani R. 2003. Efficacy and tolerability of Boswellia serrata extract in treatment of osteoarthritis of knee – a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Phytomedicine. 10: 3-7

  10. Miller G.A. and Morris M. 2004. Ethnoflora of the Soqotra Archipelago. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK: Charlesworth Group, Huddersfield, UK.

  11. Massage with Frankincense and Myrrh Oil in Treating Chronic Low Back Pain. 2019, TC Erciyes University:

  12. Al-Yasiry, A. and Kiczorowska, B. 2016. Frankincense – therapeutic properties. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine. 70, pp. 380-391.

  13. Shulan, S., Duan, J., Chen, T., Huang, X., Shang, E., Yu, L., Wei, K., Zhu, Y., and Guo, J. 2015. Frankincense and myrrh suppress inflammation via regulation of the metabolic profiling and the MAPK signaling pathway. Scientific Reports, 5.

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